I currently play through a set of
Mesa/Boogie Subway 112 cabinets and I have traveled a
long road to arrive at my current speakers. I have never been more
pleased on more levels with any other cabinet I have played through than
these; they are lightweight, not cumbersome, and sound amazing.
I ran up to Sweetwater to test a number of
cabinets. I brought my
bass and my
Bugera Veyron head to test all the cabinets below:
First in line was the
Bugera 115 My initial impression was that I was
surprised at how small it was - for some reason I was expecting something
bigger. Not sure why. It had fabulous mids and highs but the low B string was
mud. It lacked the articulation that I was looking for.
Second was the
Hartke HyDrive HD115. This was moderately better but I
expected it to be much better. A lot more clarity and articulation in the mids
and highs but again the lows lacked the clarity I sought. The low-end clarity
was better than the Bugera but still not what I was seeking.
Third was the
Harke HyDrive HD112. This cabinet was excellent and I very
nearly bought it. I played a pair of them and they were very articulate and
clean even on the low B. I really really liked them.
Then for S&G's I played three Mesa/Boogie cabinets. I figured since I was
there I may as well play them even though I had not budgeted for them. So
continuing on:
Fourth I played the
Mesa/Boogie Subway 115. Wow. WOW. GREAT sound. Very
articulate. Better than the Harke HyDrive HD112 although they were very very
close. I spent about half an hour going back and fourth between them.
Next I played the
Mesa/Boogie Subway 210. It was good but not as good as the
Mesa/Boogie Subway 115 and not as good as the Hartke HyDrive HD112. I played it
maybe five minutes but that was enough to move on.
Lastly I played the
Mesa/Boogie Subway 112. It was almost immediate. I was
blown away with how good it sounded. I ended up A/Bing this against the Hartke
HyDrive HD112 for a good 20 minutes. My sales engineer switched cabinets for me
while I faced the opposite direction so that I used only my ears without
knowing which cabinet I was playing through. Each time, each test, I ended up
choosing the Mesa/Boogie Subway 112. I took a ten minute break to grab a cup of
coffee, reset my ears, and then came back and did it again. It was very very
close but the Mesa/Boogie Subway was the clear winner for me.
Miracle of miracles my sales engineer found a demo and was able to cut me a
deal that I couldn't pass up. So now these are in my basement. I realize
everyone has different tastes and different needs. What necessarily works for
one may not necessarily work for another. I can tell you that I believe the
Hartke HyDrive HD112's were excellent and would have done quite well for me and
I probably would have been happy with them as well. But given the right
circumstances I was lucky enough to be able to get a good deal on what I found
to be the very best.